Geo G. Wiki

I know what you did to Laser. You stalked everything he had. His Twitter, Discord, every fucking thing, desperate for him to come back. Do you realize he could legitimately press harassment and stalking charges against you if he felt like it because that's exactly what you're doing: stalking and harassing him to get him to spend time here which he clearly doesn't want to do. I'm not gonna put up with you guys' bullshit. He wants to move away from your bullshit but for you Laser not being here is a tragedy even though he hates your guts.

Why would ANYONE except you people want to spend your existences on some delusional MS Paint bullshit that you guys created this year but oh no it has to be from the 90's because the 2000s supposedly suck. Laser clearly doesnt want to spend his time here because he wants to get away from the pathetic "Greenytoons" community and now I see why. You're all fucking crazy. You sit around on his Twitter, add him on Discord, go on his YouTube saying "COME BACK" when he clearly wants nothing to do with your (probably) narcisstic asses. This is a wake up call. He wants you to leave him the fuck alone. That is all he wants from you people. He wants nothing to do with Gabriel Garcia or his fanbase. Grow up. All of you. Don't stalk people's social media just because you want them around. Its disgusting. If you want someone to constantly talk about your crap with, come at me. I will gladly drop my Discord to anyone who comments it.

And I want to get this out too: leave Little Baby Bum alone. All they do is make nursery rhymes for preschoolers, why the hell are you attacking them other than "WAAAH BABY SHOWS!!!!"? I know, its annoying when they constantly show up in the recommendations but considering the shit on YT you probably watch (GP, Geo G. crap and probably GoAnimate as well), its your own fault. Don't hark on them for something they didn't do.
